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Robert Kochis: In Remembrance of Me CD

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"In Remembrance of Me" brings worship to a new height. Enhance your adoration time with this beautiful collection of Eucharistic and Benediction hymns.

With stunning orchestral arrangements by David Phillips and the warm vocals of Robert Kochis, this is a tool which will center you and point you to Christ.

CD Contents
  1. Jesus My Lord, My God, My All
  2. Adoro Te Devote
  3. O Lord I Am Not Worthy
  4. Pange Lingua
  5. Jesus, Jesus, Come To Me
  6. O God of Loveliness
  7. In Remembrance
  8. O What Could My Jesus Do More
  9. O Salutaris / Tantum Ergo
  10. Panis Angelicus
  11. In the Silence / I Am the Life
  12. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Short Description:
"In Remembrance of Me" brings worship to a new height. Enhance your adoration time with this beautiful collection of Eucharistic and Benediction hymns.

With stunning orchestral arrangements by David Phillips and the warm vocals of Robert Kochis, th